Summer Skin Conditions – Simple solutions for happy horses!

We have all seen it. It happens every summer. And the fix is a lot simpler than most people think. In fact, here at Tack Trunk we even came up with a name for it: Summer Horse Face. This isn’t your horse looking super cute in his new fly mask or even an adorable post bath selfie. It is when horses lose hair on their nose, around their eyes and even on the sides of their face. A common misconception by a lot of horse owners is that their horse has a fungus and while that may be true, most often it is a skin condition created from not getting the sweat completely off their face after riding or turnout or both. 

The good news is you don’t need expensive antibacterial or antifungal creams or lotions to treat this. The solution is very simple.

To remedy Summer Horse Face: Use your curry comb! We recommend a very gentle, soft curry mitt. Remove the dead hair and skin by gently currying it away. If the skin does appear to be irritated, you can use a mild product on it such as Silver Honey Spray to promote healthy skin and hair regrowth. 

Pro Tips:

  • Remove sweat from your horse’s face post ride with a damp towel and dry it!
  • Keep tack and halters clean to prevent rubs
  • Don’t be afraid to use a mild curry on your horse’s face! Most of them like it!
  • Clean towels and mild detergents prevent skin flare ups
  • Avoid sharing grooming tools with other horses to prevent the spread of skin crud
  • Wash your fly mask frequently – they get gross!

To remedy Summer Horse Legs: Use your curry comb! Seriously! Curry the entire horse, including the legs. Currying not only acts as a way to remove dirt, sweat and loose hair from your horse’s coat, it helps to increase circulation. Paying attention to our horse’s legs can often spot small injuries before they become serious. 

Summer Horse Legs often look like accumulated dead skin and hair on the fronts of the cannon bones (the long lower leg bone). This can be partially caused when a horse urinates, creating splashback on their lower limbs, although not always the case. Generally speaking, regardless of the horse’s gender, pores can get clogged and result in what a lot of horse owners consider to be a fungus. A currying routine will help prevent the buildup of dead skin, hair and dirt and debris. 

Pro Tips:

  • Curry your horse’s legs in all seasons, especially during shedding seasons
  • Keep tack and boots clean to prevent rubs. Avoid wrapping wet legs! 
  • A mild shampoo with tea tree oil can be used to gently scrub off scabs or use a salve can be used to soften scabs
  • Use clean towels and mild detergents prevent skin flare ups
  • Avoid sharing grooming tools with other horses to prevent the spread of skin crud
  • Towel dry your horse’s legs, especially their heels!
  • If your horse wears fly boots, remove them before riding and check them often for rubs or irritation

These are all general rules of thumb. If skin conditions persist or worsen, we recommend talking to your veterinarian! 

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